프록시 접속시 실 아이피 가져오기 - Get real client IP address
Apache2020. 3. 23. 15:47
원문 : https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/42205.htm
1. Install http_realip_module.
Windows system
The Apache 2.4 or higher versions have the remoteip_module file ( mod_remoteip.so) in the installation package. You can use this file to get the real client IP address.
Linux system
You can get the real client IP address by installing the third-party module mod_rpaf.
아파치 모듈 적용
Apache 2.2 이하버전은 mod_rpaf
Apache 2.4 버전은mod_remoteip
so 파일 다운로드 https://www.pconlife.com/viewfileinfo/mod-remoteip-so/